Perpetua over at Perpetually in Transit invited me to join the Seven Links Project in which I have to link to my favourite posts in certain categories. It's quite nice to look back over the drivel I've written before and marvel at the fact that people still read it. So, here goes.....
My Most Beautiful Post
Hmm, I don't really do beautiful, at least not in the way that some other bloggers do, with lovely photos and gentle writing that makes you feel all calm and chilled out so I'm going to play a bit fast and loose with this category and make it My Post About My Most Beautiful Daughter, Mother's Pride
My Most Popular Post
I had quite a few which tied around the 21 comments mark, clearly all written on days when very little else was going on in the world, but the one I've chosen is Getting One Over on the Crims. I'm including this one as a tribute to the now defunct Crapmobile. Sadly, the crims finally got one over one me. A few days after some local members of the travelling fraternity stopped to enquire after a possible purchase of the Crapmobile, only to baulk at the (very low) price we were asking, I came out to find the window broken and the driver's door jemmied (why not just break the window FFS?). An attempt had been made to hotwire the car (failed) and finally they had tried to drill the ignition barrel. All in vain. The Crapmobile may have been, well, crap but it fought to the bitter end. Sadly, the cost of repairing a car that was worth about 50 quid was too high so we sent the Crapmobile to the Great Scrapyard in the Sky, well, Copheap Lane at least! We received the Certificate of Destruction last week.
My Most Controversial Post
Oh dear, I struggled a bit with this one. Had I been doing this on my old French blog I'd have been spoilt for choice but controversy and me are not exactly regular bedfellows, bit like The Husband really. Our long distance marriage looks set to last until the end of the year. So the nearest I can offer is Which Five Celebrities Would You Most Like to Slap. Hardly controversial unless you happen to like The Kardashians et al. I should also probably include Oh Crap because it got me into very hot water with The Husband, who didn't see the funny side at all!
My Most Helpful Post
Ha! I'm to instructional posts what Cheryl Cole is to quantum physics. I have, in the past shown you, dear reader, how not to make hand tied bouquets and jewellery and how not to do DIY but it did seem that my recent post on the consequences of video piracy was every so slightly educational so my nomination in this category is Don't be a P(i)RAT(e) but I'm going to do that old fast and loose thing again and also include Brizzle: Iss Gurt Lush, Mind. just because I like it
The Post Who's Success Surprises Me
Well, all of them to be honest! I'm always ridiculously grateful that anybody reads anything I write but I was surprised that one of my shortest posts got one of the highest number of comments. It's Five Things I Hope People Say About Me at my Funeral
The Post that I Feel Didn't get the Attention it Deserved
Well, the question is, do any of them deserve any attention? Probably not. Any attention, however small, is appreciated so I've got nothing to offer for this category.... sorry.
The Post that I'm Most Proud Of
I think it's So Long Fat Albert because I got so many nice comments from people outside the blogosphere who's lives have been affected by this graceless decision by the MoD. It also got me an open invitation for a jaunt in Slimline Susie, a light aircraft belonging to a friend of mine who's husband is an ex-Herc pilot. How cool is that!
So, I've now made the Seven Links Project into the Eight Links Project so it just leaves me to pass this on to some other bloggers. Feel free to take up the invitation or not. We all have busy lives so there's no pressure but if you do have time to do it, I'd love to see your seven links
Macy at The View from Macy
Steve at Bloggertropolis
Aunty Gwen at Aunty Gwen's Diary
Jody at About Last Weekend
and finally everybody's favourite Assassin..... of vegetables that is The Vegetable Assassin
Over to you - and a writing competition
6 days ago