Saturday, June 4, 2011

Did you see me? Did you.....?

Well, here it is, the first TV ads for my Wembley debut. I'm the one in the black t-shirt with the gold star on the front!


About Last Weekend said...

I totally see you. A star is totally born!! Is this part of a reality show? Blow- I won't see it. Watched this twice, looks really cool.

Steve said...

Dahling, you look simply divine...

Wylye Girl said...

ALW - yes, it starts on 16th June and runs over 3 weeks. Sorry you'll miss my moment of fame... well one of them at least :)

Steve, I knew you'd be able to pick me out. I just knew it!

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I think I must have blinked!

Curry Queen said...

I thought of you when I saw that ad. I will watch and try to spot you but I can hold an image of your little smiley face in my mind which will do if I can't spot the real thing. lol!

Elaine said...

Oh yes, there you are!

Macy said...

The climax of your own amazing life story already??
And that's only the trailer.... sheesht!

Vera said...

No I didn't see you although I played the vid through a couple of times!

Trish said...

I must Sky+ this. Very excited. That T-shirt really suits you!

hausfrau said...

Clearly you are a star!

Elaine said...

Oh yes, there you are! Looking good.

Wylye Girl said...

Alienne, even without blinking you'll probably miss me. I did stumble into someone's interview while heading to the toilet but apart from that, dammit, the cameras were on the other side of the arena

CQ, you'll give yourself nightmares!

Wylye Girl said...

Elaine, I knew somebody would pick me out!

Macy, impressed huh! :)

Vera, in the unlikely event that I do appear on camera I will pause it and take a photo!

Vera said...

Just to say that I saw a video of a rock choir singing and I thought they were flipping good! Would join one myself if they had them in France!

Michelloui | The American Resident said...

LOL! I saw an advert tonight on TV and thought of you! Thats pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

I could tell it was you.

Michelloui | The American Resident said...

Hmmm... I thought I left a comment but it's obviously been swallowed up somewhere! We saw a trailer for this the other night and I was thinking hey, I know of a blogger who did that!'

Wylye Girl said...

Vera, they are starting up in Norway but so far France doesn't seem to be on the agenda. Mind you, I can see Georges Brassens and Rock Choir quite working :)

Michelloui, sorry I read your first comment on my BlackBerry but forgot to publish it.

mrwriteon, well thank goodness you me:)

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