How's that then? Two important life lessons in two weeks. I feel I am making a really positive contribution to the betterment of your lives.
So what is this week's important life lesson?
Don't give an affectionate squeeze to a cat with diarrhoea - unless you are wearing protective clothing........ eeuwww!
Another free writing competition
3 days ago
Hint absorbed and noted. Yikes. :)
I'll bear that in mind. I'm guessing the same advice is true for dogs with diarrhoea...?
This came at an appropriate piglets are scouring...remind me to keep affection to a scratch behind the ears....
The mind boggles! Praise the guy who invented washing machines!
Or anyone or anything else with the aforementioned distress, for that matter.
I feel bad asking but were there sound effects too?
Poor kitty and poor you :(
Wise words indeed. I would add to that 'and don't let small children with diarrhoea jump on your bed'.
Veggie, absorbed? Absorbed was the wrong word!
Steve, dogs, otters, kakapos.....
Fly, do not, repeat NOT squeeze your piglets!
Sarah, this nasty experience coincided with mine breaking down needless to say
Mr writeon, wise words indeed!
Taz, a gentle deflating noise but believe me cats can look embarrassed
Alienne, a nasty, nasty image! Thanks for sharing
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