Don't text while walking towards the stairs to an underground car park.
Just as I was about to step into the void I was yanked back by a very chivalrous young man.
"Thank you soooo much" I said
"No problems. You were lucky I couldn't get to my phone in time otherwise I'd have filmed you falling down the stairs and stuck it on YouTube" he replied
I think he was joking.....
Just think, this could have been me!
Womag news and free entry writing competitions
8 hours ago
So it wasn't you battering those guys trying to rob the jewellers round the head with your handbag then ;) LOL
No temptation,luckily...I could never manage to text without producing something like the language of a Martian, having fat finger problems combined with having lost my glasses.
I bet he would as well, my kids love watching those kinds of videos. I blame the parents.
Almost fame at last!
Taz, she was 71. These are laughter lines, not wrinkles :) Good for her I say!
Fly, a lucky escape to be sure! (for you, not me)
Mine too. I keep telling them they are possibly witnessing someone sustaining a serious injury but they just look at me like "... and your point is?"
Sarah. I always hope it would be my prodigious talent that brings me fame rather than a broken neck! Apparently the woman in the clip is now suing the security guards at the Mall for not stopping her falling into the fountain. Oh dear...
I never ever think to use my mobile phone camera. I think this is evidence that I am now officially an old fogey and am "out of touch with the kids".
Steve, I have a BlackBerry and by the time I've found the icon for the camera, whatever I am trying to capture is long gone.
Yikes - don't you just know that, if you had landed up on YouTube (and how do they manage to film these things so fast? Like you I haven't even managed to get my phone out of my bag before the whole thing is over)you can bet that my kids would have found you!
Lordy, must stop writing my book while driving! Let that be a lesson to us all....
I blog, I facebook, I email but I don't text or tweet. I don't think my small brain could handle much more...
CQ - mine too, and then they'd post it on Fessebook, then they'd re-twat it or whatever you do. Technology is passing me by!
Lou - I can drive and type too. Is that wrong? ;)
Dumdad, texting is the limit of my abilities. Twitter is the Devil's handwork!
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