In these cynical times it's easy to believe that there is no longer any such thing as a Good Samaritan or a Angel of Mercy. A few hours away from us, police still search for a missing child, while over the past few weeks, burglars have worked their way systematically through our village stealing gardening equipment. So a few days ago it was very refreshing to be reminded that there are people around who will selflessly help out others when a crisis hits them, however big or small.
I needed petrol so went to fill up my car. When I got to the till, I wanted to pay with a card that I rarely use. The only thing was, I discovered I had forgotten my PIN number. I tried twice but it was wrong. I panicked. It was the only form of payment I had on me.
I told the cashier who was very sympathetic. Could anyone bring me some money? No. The Husband is in Manchester and The Boy can't drive. Was there anyone in town I could borrow some money from? Not that I could think of.
Behind me a queue was starting to build. I was so embarrassed and totally at a loss at what to do until a voice asked if I was local. 'Not really,' I told him, still in a mild state of panic. I told him where I live.
'Don't worry, I'll pay for it. You can drop the money round whenever you are passing.' I was stunned. Here was a man I had never set eyes on before, and who certainly didn't know me, offering to pay for my petrol and get me out of a very sticky situation. He didn't even ask how much it was, just handed over his card. I was stunned and babbled my thanks. He told me it wasn't a problem and gave me his business card so I knew where to return the money. I noticed he was wearing a t-shirt with the name of a local furniture maker from whom we've bought lots of furniture in the past. and asked him if he worked there. He said he did, too modest, as it turns out, to say that he actually owned it.
So how amazing was that? I could have done a runner. I don't live in the town so might never even have crossed his path. Of course, I didn't. I returned it to him the following morning, thanking him profusely. It really wasn't a problem, he told me and wished me a lovely day. I was really touched. I believe in karma. What goes around, comes around and I hope one day someone will do something nice for him but by way of a little thank you, I'm including a link to his website here. The furniture is fabulous - and I'm not just saying that because he helped me out.
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8 hours ago
Nice to know there are still people like that around.
What a heart-warming tale! And I bet he felt good too: a random act of kindness can be so positive for both parties.
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