Hello, hellooooooo blogworld, is there anybody still out there? If there was a 'Crap Blogger' award I'd be giving it to myself for my monstrous lack of blog posts over the past few weeks but I have a good reason. You see, I've moved. Yes, dear reader, my blog is now officially misleading as it is no longer the diary of the the incumbent of River Cottage, and me working for Trading Standards too!
I've moved a little bit further down the Wylye Valley to a lovely little village where my neighbour is my blogging pal and community chook keeper, A Modern Military Mother.
So, do I change the name of my blog or do I continue to shamelessly piggy back off the good name of a certain slebrity chef and forager of hedgerows? Let this be a warning to new bloggers, go for a generic name.
In the meantime, here's a post I did earlier for the Huffers. Needless to say, the world didn't end.
Normal service will be resumed soon
Womag news and free entry writing competitions
14 hours ago
Hello there, Wylye Girl. Glad to know you haven't fallen off the edge of the world, but have simply (hah!) moved house. :-) i hope you're all comfortably settled in and it's starting to feel like home. Off now to read the Huffers Post, if it will let me in.
I would keep the current name. I like it. Hope you like your new place.
It's always risky to rebrand yourself. Stick with what we all know and love is my advice.
Ooh, well there's a surprise!!
You always rename your blog:
'Near the River Cottage Diaries'.
We've just started on the house in San Jose...there's a kitchen to install and the removal and replacement of showers and loos installed by someone with no eye for the style of the house.
And there's the garden to do...so not much else is getting done!
Hope your move went well and looking forward to your next post.
Ooh don't go messing with your title or we're liable to lose you - unless you're very good at flag waving?
A house move?? In the middle of a recession???
OOOOOOoooooo Humpf! Why didn't you move nearer me.... plenty of space up here.
Hi Perpetua, for us, it was a remarkably smooth move with very little drama. I was hoping for some good blogging material but there was very little. Settling in well thanks
Hi Charlotte, thanks for your comment. As this is already my third blog title I think I will just leave it as it is
Steve, I agree. The RCD name stays
Sarah, or Not Quite The River Cottage Diaries...
Fly, good luck with your moving/redecorating. A bit of TLC is much needed on our new house.. once we've emptied all the packing boxes. (Mid 2013 at the rate we are going!)
Hausfrau, I've got tennis elbow so now is not the time to be waving any flags! I'll stick with what I have
Macy, well someone has to buck the trend eh!
Lou, I would luuurrvve to be nearer you but with kids/schooling, etc we stayed in the same area. We still haven't done that lunch have we? x
Good to have you on board Wylye Girl! Now lets get the veg patch done next with yer Hubbies expertise - it needs a good dressing....wine anyone?
Hi Hagar,today Stockton, tomorrow World Domination! I think that's how it goes... Curry at ours on Saturday, meat already marinating
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